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Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the International Liturgy Publications family of composers. Please consider the guidelines and considerations below before sending in your music.
Appropriate and Accessible
We publish music is that appropriate for Christian worship and liturgical use. Our music is specifically targeted for the Catholic parish and Catholic school. We are interested in publishing music for the assembly, choirs, and instrumentalists. Of particular concern is that the music is accessible for local parish choirs and congregations. This will involve the consideration of vocal and instrumental ranges, difficulty levels, and accompaniments that support the choir and/or congregation.
Prior to Submission
Please take the time to review our website and the products that we offer. Our main publications are hymnals and missals. Ancillary products, including accompaniments and Psalm collections, support the hymnals. We also publish choral octavos and choral collections to support the parish choir.Review recent releases to ensure that your music fits our target audience and will enhance the offerings in our catalog.
Try it out. Have your music performed by your local parish choir or school choir. Listen to any feedback. Work out any kinks before submitting your music.
Be selective about your submissions. Pick your highest and best pieces to submit. Don’t bury our editors with submissions that are not a good fit for our customers or are not your best work. The review process will be unduly prolonged, and our editors will lose interest.
Our primary mission is to equip the local Catholic parish for worship by providing resources for the assembly, choirs and instrumentalists. Consider how your music can help us to accomplish that mission.
Guidelines for Submission
- We accept unsolicited original compositions and arrangements of public domain works only. Arrangements of copyrighted materials will not be reviewed.
- Make sure your music is clearly notated following standard conventions of musical notation. Digital submission via email is preferred. You may submit pdf, Finale, or Sibelius files. If submitting by mail, please do not send originals. Submissions will not be returned.
- Recordings are helpful, but not required.
- Do not simultaneously submit to other publishers at the same time as submitting your music to ILP.
- Please be patient. Depending on the time of year and other projects that are in process, it may take editors a while to evaluate your submission. The review process can take a considerable amount of time.
- In your submission email, please include your full name, phone number, address, and email address. A bio or a link to your website is also welcome. This will expedite the process should your music be chosen for publication.
- Settings of liturgical texts must exactly conform to the official liturgical books (tasteful repetition excepted).
- Original texts should be consistent with Catholic doctrine, especially as laid out in the 2020 USCCB document Catholic Hymnody at the Service of the Church.
- Please send all digital submissions to [email protected].
- Physical submissions may be sent to
International Liturgy Publications
P.O. Box 50476
Nashville TN 37205