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46 lyrical Responsorial Psalm arrangements uniquely assigned for the Sundays of Year C in their Lectionary texts. Varied styles from 8 composers, composed, arranged and performed by the artists of Songs In His Presence. Within each Sundays collection are many settings also suitable for other occasions and liturgical uses. Choral Refrain book includes refrains only, with choral harmonies, refrain accompaniments and chord symbols. Best value for choir or ensemble members who do not need verses. Other editions are 2-CD Sets, Accompaniment, Vocal/Guitar, Choral/Guitar, and Congregational Refrains. Obligato instrumental arrangements are available for a limited number of titles; list available.
Sunday Psalms from annual Feasts and Solemnities (Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter, Divine Mercy, etc.) are found in the Feasts and Solemnities collection.